Who should divide the state?
When a joint family wants to separate, the elders of the family and village sit and try to see that peace is resolved and do their best not to break up? Even this cannot happen in India? Ok, one the family member wants to separate, now what is that the seniors doing there up in New Delhi?
Being the people representatives the MLA’s, the people of the state, don’t they have any right or voice in deciding abt the cutting of a state in to two? When a joint family is split into two, the elders, the family members, well wishers sit, discuss and sort it out and try their best to dissuade the member, then when it comes to a State which is more than 60 years old, don’t the people who live here have a choice to decide?
Coming to the high command’s decision on separating the state, who should actually decide whether we have to separate the state or not? Is it Chidambaram from Tamilanadu or Veerappa Moily from Karnataka? Everyone knows that AP is facing problems with these two states. (If u want to know, why they might want to break AP, let me know I will write in detail)? If we fight among ourselves is it not the advantage for them to develop their places? If these people are the decision makers, how can we accept their decision? All the Congress leaders say that they have to obey Madam’s order? Don’t they have a individuality? Does she know about the situation in AP more than the people staying here? The CM who is staying in Somajiguda of Hyderabad does not know about the condition of roads in Ameerpet then how can we expect the person in Delhi to know about the situation in Andhra Pradesh?
Who is going to loose from the strikes, bandh’s, rampage going on?
Why did the government agree for a separate telangana state? Is it because of the hunger strike of KCR? What will they decide if all other people go on strikes for the united AP? Will they give what they demand?
If you see Hyderabad in festival seasons like Pongal and Dasara almost 70% of the city is empty. Why it is like that? The reason being, Hyderabad has nearly 80% of non-Telangana people. (Forgive me for saying this but it is a naked truth!).
Now even the students are going on strikes and burning the buses. It happened in telangana and now it is happening in coastal and rayalaseema. Do we know how much money we have to spend to make a bus? It is nearly 15 lakhs. From where does the government get this money? It is again through the taxes we pay. We are spoiling our money. If we indulge in such acts, can we really develop our country?
After years of development of AP, particularly Hyderabad, the foreign investments, Banks, MNC’s have started pouring in to set up their buildings, offices etc, now seeing the turmoil and the disturbance in AP aren’t we sending them wrong signals? Wont these companies try to shift their bases to other states?
It takes years to develop a state but a day to spoil all that…
Is separate statehood the only solution?
Just to change the name from Madras to Chennai the Government had spent nearly 500 Crores of Indian rupees. Where did that money come from? It is from the taxes that WE pay. It is our money. If the same money could have been spent on the development of Tamilnadu, then the status of that place would have been different! I don’t know what are the advantages and disadvantages of changing the name from Madras to Chennai (If I am wrong in saying this excuse me). If we spend money to change the places’ names, when shall we develop our country? Many of us have seen the movie “Aparichutudu” where the hero explained why our country is like this. Yet no one could understand the essence!! It’s a pity!!
How much will it cost to form a separate state? Does any one think about this? We have to rename Andhra Pradesh in each and every record to Telangana. We have to change all the number plates of vehicles from “AP” to “TG”. If we have to spend RS.200/- for one number plate, think about the money spent on changing lakhs of number plates.
If we divide the state into pieces, for each piece we need an assembly, a secretariat, high court, minister house, governor house, basically a good infrastructure. The amount of money needed to do all these is lakhs of crores! Do any of these politicians or leaders think about it at least for a second?
If the same money is pumped to the development of the region’s will any person with some sense not accept it?
Do the people of Telangana need a separate state or do they want development?
How many MLA seats TRS won in the last elections? Just 10! There are nearly 130 MLA seats in telangana. Why is that telangana people did not vote the party which is supporting for a separate Telangana? Why are there only 2 MPs from TRS? If all the people from telangana really want separate state then it should have had all the 130 seats (apprx) for leaders from Telangana or at least it should have had half of the seats. In the high command if they give so much importance to party that has 2 MP seats, then what about the party which has 35 MP seats?
What are the advantages these people get after having their own Telangana state? And what are the disadvantages? Can any of the persons who are going on these strikes answer this question? Do they really know the answer to this question? If they say they are being neglected from the past many years, then why don’t they go on strikes for development of their region and why a separate state? As per my knowledge, the only advantage of separate Telangana state is KCR becoming the Chief Minister of that state and some others getting the ministry seats. But is there a pinch of advantage for a common man? People give a thought about this, please…
Why a unified AP?
Why are the people from Coastal and Rayalaeema regions fighting for the united state? Don’t they have resources or leaders? Or is it that they don’t know how to spend their life without telangana? They are well versed about their capabilities and resources. There are more fertile lands, coastal region and many popular punyakshetras in Rayalaseema. They can live happily with the resources they have. Still they don’t want a separate state for themselves.
People regard Andhra Pradesh as “Annapurna”( అన్నపూర్ణ) in Telugu (the Goddess of Food) which means it has suitable resources for paddy (main food for almost all the people in southern India). Just imagine the situation if the state is divided! Vizag, Vijayawada, Tirupathi any of these places should be made the capital of rest of AP (leaving telangana). These places have to be developed as a capital which means infrastructure should be developed. Just imagine the amount of fertile land in these districts be converted to concrete jungles! Suppose Hyderabad is with in the 30-60 kms radius we have to do the same for these cities aswell. If the same is done how many fertile lands would become concrete jungles? We have to sacrifice those fertile lands to some companies and infrastructure development. Is not it a bad sign for our growth? If this happens then we have to buy rice from other state’s and countries, then USA will be the first country to pump in GM food to us and make us guinea pigs. Is this what we want?
AP got 42 MP seats, we have some weight in the parliament,if there are some demands for AP if all the 42 MP’s stand and ask for it, most probably we will get it. In case if AP is divided in to 2 parts, then we loose our strenght in parliament, do we NEED it? The regions will not have any say in the parliament.
To get the glory of Hyderabad and to gain the investors confidence, how much time will it take? What will happen to the economy of ours in the meanwhile?
So my dear common men, Wake up! This is our land. We don’t need a separate state. We are fighting among ourselves that is benefiting other people. I don’t know how many of us remember our beloved dynamic Chief Minister saying, just before two days of elections, that ”If we separate telengana from AP our relations would be same as India has with Pakistan today!”.
Yes. That’s so true! The situation would not have come to this state if any of our leaders, demanding for a separate state, would have remembered our late CM’s words instead of paying respect or mourning at his absence. Why do u think our late CM opposed a separate telangana state? He was in a powerful position wherein he could separate it just like that! Then why is that he was against separation? Why the other leaders like Karunanidhi are not separating their state? Why is our beloved Home Minister, Chidambaram not separating his own state? Is that they don’t respect the feelings of their people? Why he is over enthusiastic in separating Andhra Pradesh!
Telangana people say that they are being neglected. Tell me how many CMs we had from telangana region in the history of AP? How many ministers really put their efforts to develop their region at least from the past 60 years? Are telangana people looking for development of their region or separate state? If they are looking for development then let the ministers, high command and the MLAs, protesting for separate Telangana State, spend the amount required to divide the state, in the betterment of Telangana region. Let them go for good development with the same amount. Force the ministers to develop your places. Ask for your rights.
We have to remember that problems will not be solved if we divide the state or if we fight among ourselves. Come, let us live together.
“gaddi pocha okkati unte adi emi cheyyaledu ade konni vandala gaddipochalu kaliste oka enuguni saitam katti padeyyochhu”( గడ్డి పోచ ఒక్కటి ఉంటే అది ఏమి చెయ్యలేదు అదే కొన్ని వందల గడ్డిపోచలు కలిస్తే ఒక ఏనుగుని సైతం కట్టి పడెయ్యొచ్చు). So please wake up my dear students, MLAs, MPs, Leaders, Ministers, Chief Minister and Madam Sonia Gandhi.